Friday, 29 July 2011

Back on Blogger

It's the school summer holidays and I've decided to have another go at blogging! Can I keep it up? Well we'll see!
Have a couple of projects lined up for the next few days.

mango chutney

Today, being pay day, I went to the shops to do the basics monthly shop. Visited the supermarket and Lidl's. Lidl's had mangoes for 50p each so I bought 6. Probably going to make the WI book of Preserves recipe. Will study recipes over next couple of days.

I subscribe to Good Food magazine and the September issue dropped on the doormat the other day.With the magazine was a small booklet of Make-ahead recipes.The very last recipe was plumbrillo! I am a big fan of membrillo,the quince variety. Plums are very cheap in the shops at the moment and I have a couple of tubs in the fridge. So tomorrow I may just give it a go.

My other big project, kitchen wise, is using up all the long forgotten frozen fish,chicken and red meat lurking at the bottom of the freezer.
Must go and look for something for tomorrow's main meal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,....thanks for commenting on my blog...I love your blog and have become a follower...Welcome back...looking forward to many more posts.
